Debt recovery during the Covid – 19 Pandemic

Newsletter & COVID-19 Update Nov 2020

This month sees further disruption to us all with another lockdown, read on for updates on changes to the High Court Enforcement Agents rules. We also have some important fee updates to tell you about. Please do get in touch with the client services team if you would like any further information or We…

Debt recovery during the Covid – 19 Pandemic

Client Newsletter & COVID update Oct 2020

We hope this newsletter finds you well and coping with all the changes we are currently going through. We are still very much business as usual and currently have a small bubble of staff based in the office with the rest of our staff working from home. We have been busy catching up with some…

Debt recovery during the Covid – 19 Pandemic

Debt recovery during the Covid – 19 Pandemic

With many businesses struggling financially as a result of the coronavirus, creditors are being encouraged to work with debtors and show forbearance to agree mutually acceptable payment arrangements. The pandemic has disrupted businesses and placed them under financial pressure. Maximising debt collection will be many businesses’ priority to secure their interest but also as a…


LRC Celebrate 18 Years Of Trading

Leading debt recovery and litigation specialists Legal Recoveries and Collections Ltd (LRC) who are based in Nottingham celebrate a significant milestone birthday of 18 years on 1st July. LRC was established in 2002 as the result of a MBO from one of the UK’s top international law firms. LRC are regulated by the SRA and…

What Is Utility Debt?

What Is Utility Debt?

Running into debt can be a regular theme in modern times, with the upkeep of homes being rather expensive. This can include your utilities bill, too. Utility debt can be built from missed payments on your homes essentials, like gas, energy and water. By doing so, these debts can build if put on the backburner,…