Asset Tracing Services

Asset Tracing Report Insight Service

Insight and Insight Plus can provide an overview into your debtor’s financial position which can be an invaluable tool to help you decide how to proceed with the matter.

The report provides the following details if available.

  • CCJ’s number of and whether they are paid or unpaid
  • Insolvency Information such as IVAs /Bankruptcy
  • Employment check indicator & salary information
  • Total number of credit applications
  • Land Registry information.

 The Insight Plus service offers all the above details and also a residency checker which double checks the probability of your customer being at the given address.


As CSA members we work to their trace code of conduct which sets out the best practice standards. We undertake tracing internally and externally using a third-party specialist supplier.

Address Tracing

If we receive notification that your customer has moved, we can trace their whereabouts. There are two main types of trace – initial and secondary.

Employment Trace

We provide a rapid and efficient employment trace service for our clients. This is used to establish your customer’s employment status; a positive verification will be if the agents confirm if the customer is unemployed, retired, or in employment and if so, they will provide the employer’s details. Employment trace is especially important if you are considering court action as we may be able to pursue an Attachment of Earnings order if your customer is in full-time employment. Employment trace and verification services to help clients confirm a person’s current or past employment details. This could include job title, salary, employment dates, and more.

Overseas Tracing

We provide our clients with an excellent overseas tracing service. If your debtor has gone overseas, then worry not as we are still able to help. We utilise the services of an agent to carry out our overseas trace searches to locate your customers.

Asset Trace Reports

We are pleased to offer two in-depth Asset Trace Reports: Full Asset Trace and Mini Asset Trace.

They are particularly helpful for high debt value cases and for cases where it has been difficult to establish a sole trader’s whereabouts. The reports can be obtained at any point in the debt recovery cycle. The reports show whether taking court action is appropriate and cost effective and will help us to make recommendations to you on how to proceed. They can also be used at the post judgement stage to help determine which enforcement method is appropriate to use.

The Full Asset Trace Report contains details of the scope of work, executive summary, identity research, trace research, family connections, known associates, associated addresses, insolvency details, legal proceedings, target company/business research, active directorships, dissolved directorships, overseas directorships, non-limited company research, shareholdings, land registry searches, hidden asset research, property visits , property reports, condition, valuation etc. including photographs, asset register, condition, valuation etc. including photographs, credit referencing, press, media, internet and social media research, conclusion and recommendations.

The Mini Asset Trace Report contains details of identity research, trace research, insolvency details, target company/business research, property visit, property report, condition, valuation etc. including photographs and visible asset profile.

Struggling to assess the true value of a business or individual’s assets? Our Full Asset & Mini Asset Trace Report provides the comprehensive intelligence you need to make informed decisions.. Don’t risk making a costly mistake – let our team of experts provide you with the crucial insights you require.

If you have any questions about our service or would like to discuss your matters with us in greater detail, please contact the Business Development Team on 0330 024 6342