Higher Education Student Loan Debt Collection

LRC have supplied their services to the HE, FE, and associated institutions for over 20 years.

Since January 2013 we have been providing student loan debt recovery services to the London Universities Purchasing Consortium (LUPC) following our successful tender bid. Our supplier framework status enables us to provide student debt collection services to its members and members of other consortia in the UK, including APUC, SUPC, NWUPC and NEUPC.

With over 20 years’ experience serving the education sector, we have gained extensive knowledge and expertise in student debt collection and the recovery of the debt types common to this sector, including tuition fees, (including overseas students), accommodation charges, commercial debts, library and parking fines.

From the start of our relationship we will:

Student Debt Collection

What is your Student Debt Recovery Process?

This has been designed to give you a brief snapshot of the student debt recovery process. It is by no means an exhaustive list, just a guide to help you understand the order of the process and to aid with decision making. For full in-depth process flows for each stage, please ask the client services team.

Stage 1 – Pre legal Collections

30-day collection cycle of data cleansing, letters, emails, calls and SMS text messages

Stage 2 – End of Collections

Decision and information gathering time if no response or payment is received for student debt recovery

Stage 3 – Legal

The issue of a claim form and the obtaining of judgement for the outstanding student debt

Stage 4 – Enforcement

When the judgment has been obtained by default you can then consider your enforcement options for the student debt recovery

Do I need to use a student debt collection service?

With more international students attending our universities colleges and private schools the need is growing year on year. Legal Recoveries are a specialist in student debt collection and have the acquired skills needed to recover unpaid tuition, loans and accommodation fees as well as other outstanding student debts that have been accrued in education.


What are the benefits of being LUPC Accredited?

Due to our status of being part of the LUPC supplier framework, we can provide student debt collection services to its members and other consortia in the UK. Key benefits of being on the framework include more competitive pricing/discounted fees and, importantly, means we have already been through rigorous processes to ensure we meet the needs and requirements of the framework’s members. That means that if you are part of the APUC, SUPC, NWUPC or NEPC then we can also offer our services to you.


What Type of Student Debt Do Legal Recoveries Help to Collect?

Legal Recoveries help you to collect a range of different student debts that can accrue over the years. If you are trying to gain back debt from overseas students, accommodation charges, tuition fees, bursaries or even library or parking fines, then we can help.

If you have any questions about our student debt collection service or would like to discuss your matters with us in greater detail, please contact the Business Development Team on 0330 024 6342